Obs. This subject belongs to miracle healing ateempts, not to death like things. * In waking from death read the one to be helped, the texts starting from the earliest and add suitable prayers, wisdom of life and maybe spiritual or otherwise beautiful music and admiring the beauty of nature. Add then 3 miracle cures from teh blog
perjantai 27. syyskuuta 2024
sunnuntai 25. elokuuta 2024
Some wish for death or suffering, others for good enough life
One explanation for the world's miseries is many wanting to die but there being life after death, many lives after death. So they maybe end up hoping for the end of the world. And some mix such to be army like in the sense of militarily needed skill or one of the goals to choose from.
Anyway, my impression of life after death is that some have a life after death, but not necessarily all, or then some just lue unmoving since that is their view of how one ought to do if one has died. Life after death seems to continue, if the person has future dreams or kind of dedicated plans of how to live and what to do while still alive - and if such are wished for in the world, like someone wishing to help in healing might be wanted someshere if there are no big drawbacks in such an arrangement, and lijewise someone might want a family and raise kids with such a oerson, etc, and on the other hand quite msny often value soldier mike things, so there is a lot of demand also for kind of negative things like killing or even low quality nursing or causing suffering. And in lufe after desth a person naturally clntinues to a world where others too are somehow alike in values, inclinations, ways of being social, etc. Then some may feel it natural to have worlds with negative gials, but if those people get children, the children too might travel to worlds of their own kind. So it does not seem that all would go as one bunch. Instead it matters what one aims at causing. People without such future plans or wishes for lufe would be more likely to just disappear from living, die without life after death. It also seems that those who get eaten are much less likely to continue to life after death than most others.
Another option to escape from human lufe is soulwandering, i.e. to change to some animal or I do mot kniw what. Thst would happen by taking distance to ordinary working life which is very mu h the same for all, and lne would aldo need to give up trying to copy human like body form from others or from one's younger years, and so one would jyst try to see what is one's natursl inclination of what kknd of lufe to live, in which climate egc, go there and adopt such body and such ways of living, such life. Like for example rising to two feet is a way to pause to look at the landscape. So many boys and men cooying a lit from worms might bring the possibility of many of them feeling it natural to change to worms of different kinds, which might happen also when changing to lufe after death. Likewise coohing a lot from singkng birds, or from dogs or cats or some other type of animal might maje such lufe feel natural, or something in that direction at least, and there maybe wss in the individual a wish for that kind of life for a long time.
So people have different kinds of goals. Some want
1) good enough life or good enough lufe after death, or
2) some want somehow negative goals like causing suffering, preventing healing at least partly, destroying lufe possibilitues in the world or living environment, or
3) some want to die, maybe also kill, cause the end of the world, worsen ways of living etc toward desth,
4) some want to change to entirely other kinds of circles with entirely other kind of life, like different country and culture, very fifferent kinds of jobs in a different kind of picture of the world Nd different ways of living, or even change to an animal, or to space travel or ufos
5) some woukd like such big changes in the same spheres, which often means using all means for comoetition, but is thete what goals in such and whst consequencies? Anyway, those might change to a cyborg or a robot or a computer-aided war at a disrance etc, or to spiritual beings , maybe angel, goddess, devil, ghosts, pfofessions causing such, or change to a land of the dead but with inflyence between worlds, zombiee, or trying to change whst happens to whom
So these are separate goals, and one ought to avoid kind of keeping company to or otherwise drawing to one's world or to one's lufe persons with so very different views of what makes sense in the world. Like miracle healing ought to help those who value such skills, wanting them used fairly for the good of all. It ought not seek to help the ill or wounded etc who do not want to get healed in such ways, or who are not fair enough toward the lufe possibilities of others. Those with very different goals ought to continue in very different world, not in the same.
26th of August 2024 This clasdification was between major goals in questions of the world. So trying as well as one can, according to clmmon sense and wishing well in the world, typically woukd not classify as torture-orientedness, even if it includes following rationality and supporting things like basic school, best known healing method, etc, in common sense like fair not-dominating ways that really do wish well in the world also for those with own views of how to stay healthy, who would not prefer square ways, who do not want to blindly believe in medicine, etc. Also the best problem solvers, thinkers, teachers, writers etc often can tjink things well through, instead of out-of-order being a goal. If basic thoughts are needed, as youbg or as communicating with the young one can see it meaningful to communicate well just such basic things. One can also math / engineering studies like go through theoretical structures ghat are not so complex, if such is needed. Cumbersome theoretical text is often a disguise for lack of skills and experience, like the non-educated just liking such a social style.
Some things being a strain but keeping up a good general skill level and wise goals, typically does not classify as torture, even if it is not like a warm slumber or even if some do not see why anyone would reach for a good capacity etc, or if someone does not have a high enough skill level to try such just to begin with.
Common sense like basic picture of the world can help to get a good enough capacity from practical everyday life to learn easily new needed things.
tiistai 13. elokuuta 2024
A bird which collided with a window
In Savonlinna I once found a bird which had collided with a window, but even though I tried my skills of waking from death to it, I did not succeed. Even though it looked like just a moment ago having collided with the window. That was some time between autumn 2011 and autumn 2013.
In Espoo years later I composed a piece of melody for a bird which had collided with a window but not so badly at all.
" A few days ago a grey dove collided with my window. It flew to a nearby tree and I sang to it something about how nature, the songs of the green trees around can cure. I also tried to compose a melody about that.
The wonderful beautiful songs of trees, drowning to their world like swimming in a quite warm pond.
21.1.2024 Jos nuori eläin tms on eksynyt sisätiloihin, katso
sunnuntai 28. heinäkuuta 2024
About sorrow from the death of one's father
In the news today there was an interview of some man (competing in Olympics in shootibg) who had just list his father, and the question seemed to be: why does one's father's death make one feel so? I guess that there are two things disturbing observing the situation right. One is talking about ordinary things and then suddenly being asked about the sorrow which is still to fresh in one's mind, so one does not know which attitude would suit the conversation. Another factor is that mahbe the world is of spirit and when someone close dies, they may have continued lufe kn a separate world, so maybe your sorrow is like yoyr father feeling sorrow of having list a child, yoy, and at the same time worry do children get along without him, even though that is maybe needless when the child is old enough to live on one's own, but maybe that sorrow too gets mixed with the thoughts of the fathers of young children comparing, is there any need to worry when a child is this old.
maanantai 20. toukokuuta 2024
A poem
"Grave song
Restless is the river and waves roll,
sea alone is great and sea lovely.
Sleep river in the arms of the sea.
Wind wanders and leaf flies.
Happy the one who was in time in a valley.
Sleep leaf in the arms of the valley.
When the day rises, the star fades away.
One does not fade away for forever, the one who left from life.
Sleep star in the arms of the day."
Eino leino (My translation)
perjantai 26. huhtikuuta 2024
"Some videos: Beetle-home, etc"
Beautiful village
Stell balls moving
My own home as an adult has sometimes had a honey like atmosphere. I value animals and nature, admire bees, and I tend to think that it is good to leave things at home in a way that is good for life, but sincere enough so as to know where one needs to learn better ways of living. I value wisdom of life a lot and consider good ways of doing important. I think strongly that wishing well in the world and being fair in one's life are important values to follow in practice, always in everything.
My books
From my blog