keskiviikko 8. tammikuuta 2020

A third view of how to undo big catastrophes

If the world is of spirit, and the life after death different for all but somewhat like ordinary life before death, then fates after an atom bomb can be different. If each one continues in a world, in a life that one somehow suits to, could ne divide people to thoise whose life continues as if there were no atom bomb, and to those who ought to have been destroyed by an atom bomb, which I guess to be a difference in moral and in skills, meaning that to whom the suitable level of and type of company does not bomb, and who would likely get bonbed?

1st of April 2020   If life after death exists and is much like the life before death, so that one cannot say who died and who did not but instead people live at the same time as some others and at different time or different world than some others. It seems that for a person there is some space to live in and if that space ends the person dies, but in the life after death the person is in some space that is somehow suited for him/her, so that it is the same kind of life but some factor changed. So also one's own strategy of lofe affects what happens: did one choose a good benefical good willing civiliced (in civiliced wisdom there are the good answers to life's and world's questions that people want to teach to all the younger generation) that is good for possibilities of life, or not and dies sooner? So one could maybe choose with whom one'slife is synchronized and via civilized good will live so without big problems, and maybe also choose so with whom one is not synchronized and live separately as if in different worlds or at different time. Choosing profession, place to live in and other big choices in life also affect similarly: what kind of environment one lives in, whom one associates with and in what professions are they, which countries' cultural influencies one personally gets."

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