"An attemot at undoing an atom bomb
A melody to my blog http://wakingfromdeath.blogspot.com
, where the idea was to synchronoze lives afyter death so that one
could continue life as if someplace had not been bombed. But it was
based on wishing well in a civiliced way,so here is an attempt at
building such good will, if such was lacking in the country due to not
so good moral, or something of the kind. Here the idea was that one
ought to keep distance, without being personally involved, and so it
would be easier.

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15th of December 2021 in Espoo
If the world is of spirit, and some people are easier, more harmless have in the same world, since they wish well for the world at large and have enough wisdom, behave in civiliced ways, and some others are so crimunal in deeds, cause so much needless harm that it is difficult to live in the same world with them. Then one could try a hiersrgy: morally behaving wise enough high up and worst criminals deep down, all in their own worlds, and place so also the aeroplane which has a bomb. If the aeroplane flies underground for someone, the plane cannot bomb. It can bomb only those much below the plane's height, taking into account whom it bombs. So an atom bomb in a world made of spirit would bomb some and leave others unbombed.
One way to try to rise the level of civiliced behaviour is the Easy quivk school for animals, E11. at
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