tiistai 29. joulukuuta 2020

About memorial days

 "tiistai 29. joulukuuta 2020

About anniversaries and memorial days
 I am not sure of the English term, but some historical happenings are remembered each year the same day of the year. Some say that they then tend to have bad luck, but I guess that is so when one does not celebrate it at all or celebrates as if were even one's enthusuastic hobby. Often anniversaries and memorial days go well if one has the wish to celebrate soimething and so grasps the chance and celebrates a little bit the theme of the day too. Like for example looking it up in the encyclopedia and then wandering to similar subjects and one's own interests, or mentioning the theme of the day but also history at large and highlights of one's own hobbies I guess, so that it is mor erich with life and kind of mildened. If it is the memorial day of some war or accident, mentuoning something that helps to overcome such eases the atmosphere, like for example meditation and Buddhist good will toward all living beings eases away some of the danger of a nuclear war. Anyway, things go better if one has lots of other things in one's life too, healthy kind of life with wisdom of life."

maanantai 21. joulukuuta 2020

A melody ofr the attempt ofundoing an atom bomb

 "An attemot at undoing an atom bomb

 A melody to my blog http://wakingfromdeath.blogspot.com , where the idea was to synchronoze lives afyter death so that one could continue life as if someplace had not been bombed. But it was based on wishing well in a civiliced way,so here is an attempt at building such good will, if such was lacking in the country due to not so good moral, or something of the kind. Here the idea was that one ought to keep distance, without being personally involved, and so it would be easier.


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15th of December 2021 in Espoo
If the world is of spirit, and some people are easier, more harmless have in the same world, since they wish well for the world at large and have enough wisdom, behave in civiliced ways, and some others are so crimunal in deeds, cause so much needless harm that it is difficult to live in the same world with them. Then one could try a hiersrgy: morally behaving wise enough high up and worst criminals deep down, all in their own worlds, and place so also the aeroplane which has a bomb. If the aeroplane flies underground for someone, the plane cannot bomb. It can bomb only those much below the plane's height, taking into account whom it bombs. So an atom bomb in a world made of spirit would bomb some and leave others unbombed. 
 One way to try to rise the level of civiliced behaviour is the Easy quivk school for animals, E11. at learntalents.blogspot.com 

sunnuntai 29. marraskuuta 2020

About spirits of the dead and ghosts

 "Spirits of the dead, like wind or a white fabric, is different from ghosts, like an old times' human figure that has colours but which one can maybe part of the time partially see through. A ghost has liked to live in some place, still just lives there, even though all have not noticed him/her, but maybe he/she is an elderly person who just lives quietly and likes handiworks, maybe wants to keep up handiworks tradition and that tpogether with older age makes the clothes look unusual. If the world is of spirit, he/she is maybe sometimes with you in the same world, when you somehow like to live in the same kind of miljo as her/she, and at other times,when you live a different kind of life at different times of the day or night, he/she is maybe not there seen at all in your spheres of life.

Spirits of the dead are on the other hand spirits of the deceased that search for their place or is not fully satisfied with the environment in some respect and so goes away to some other place. (I guess that one usually says that they are restless spirits.) It can also be a far away person's way to remember a relative or the like person that one used to know. At least a few years ago in the birthdays of my mother and father in the previous evening at 23.00 and in the evening of the birthday at the same time there was a cold wind in my apartment and the door made sounds at the wind, even though ordinarily not at all, and the birthdays lacked the old familiar atmosphere that they celebrate their birthdays and in some moment remember also me.

I do not know how one could see ghosts, but I guess that it is via liking some place, being fascinated by it, a place that has a long history, that has been liked and valued.

I guess that spirits of the dead are easier to notice, but mostly as a feeling of cold, as such an atmosphere somewhere. For example some tens of centimeters near the wall of a graveyard (outside the graveyard - I guess that those are spirits of the dead that do not have a resting place inside the graveyard, for example dead animals). Also, somewhere where there are graves, if there is an open space like a lawn near by that one could wander in, it may be as if there would wander there some dim with an atmosphere connected to the graves, a little bit like that light fabric figure clishee but a milder version of it, or making one feel cold like the paws of mice. At the time of dark at the edges of car's lights where there is good light, may have like an atmosphere like cold and fleeing, maybe animals consider it a dangerous place to be. Likewise, if one has a bright light but no lights ourdoors, in the yeard if people have wandered back and forth with bright lights, and so somehow broken the atmosphere there, if you wander there more calmly, quietly and listen to the atmoshere or look from an open door in the light of the lights indoors, it is somehow an atmosphere like ´the spirits of the dead and makes on efeel cold and it is nice to go in.

I guess that these are dangerous like tendency to accidents is dangerous, somehow a poor base for life compared to one's ordinary, like when one is tired or burdened by something, which is in this case the lack of alive things or paying attention to former accident and/or former unwise ways and via that social influences from that error. Like thsi can also happen at`/around the same day of the year as someone died: the things is in many person's and animal's minds, and so the same kinds of thinsg get repeated but as milder, since it is a big thing ffor all, but this time with an emphazis on the death theme, while formerly I guess the problem was carelessness.


keskiviikko 29. tammikuuta 2020

Maybe a way to mourn an atom bomb

"I wondere if it could offer help in mourning an atom bomb, since the nature is often wise andhealthy, but anyway it is for cold climatyes only, because one needs to be familiar with the weather and it was snow melting from tree branches plus fog.

"Under the old pines wander in pair row sioldiers disappearing tyo fog. Now already gone." The last part is different ins tyle and not so exåpressive, so that one could just leave it away.

Here is it with the English lyrics:

"24th January 2020   "Of learning from the nature, please read this:
"I am not sure of this, but my impression is that each weather, also in widely different climates, is best lived in a way which you find when you pay central attention to some fine whole of the nature, like an atmospheric branch in nature, that is especially spirited in it's view of how to live such wetaher and to which heights one's wisdom of life, skill, virtues of character and enjoyment of life could so rise,for example on some animal of the wilderness, and from siuch viewpoint pay attention to it's view on the ways of living: that is what is the way of living such wetahers and such temperatures, maybe such days, evenings, nights & mornings. Follow that advice and search for a new advice when the weather is clearly different.""
http://learntalents.blogspot.com/2018/09/gnomes-or-more-likelily-doing-things-in.html "

26th of January 2020   Pople can learn this way of learning from trees if TV weather report has (sometimes?) such pictures of trees etc when they tell of such weathers. And likewise in other things if there are good pictures of such in documentaries telling about the same things."
From  https://composingmelodies.blogspot.com/

2nd of January 2022   In the melody above the big things nesr by are the big drops of icy water faöling to one's neck, while the atom bomb is thought of as an affair of foreigners far away.

Mourning an atom bomb dedtruction near one's own loved ones is a big tough thing emotionally and isn't gonna put things right, so further away better to cobcentrate on arranging a good future for the world. Anywsy, in sn atom bomb explosion many lodt their lives and were wounded and some densely populated cultural place got destroyed, so it is a big thing to try to replace emotionally and in practice. In practice other towns will rise to the task but do it in their own ways, the world has changed like in hudtory often happens. In repairing emotionally tpuching things one ought to wish well for the world at large, eben slightly wishing well is better than not at all, since many things need correcting and wishing well in a spiritually beautiful healthy kind of way can help to correct the damage. Generally if a loss and/or a danger is big, one feels better if one takes careto not to worsen the situation at all, kind of trying to be a center for recovery, living a modest life that is good to vontinue along. Usually one can vhoose which group one identifies with and move to live there, kind of learning such life and such view to the world. 

keskiviikko 8. tammikuuta 2020

A third view of how to undo big catastrophes

If the world is of spirit, and the life after death different for all but somewhat like ordinary life before death, then fates after an atom bomb can be different. If each one continues in a world, in a life that one somehow suits to, could ne divide people to thoise whose life continues as if there were no atom bomb, and to those who ought to have been destroyed by an atom bomb, which I guess to be a difference in moral and in skills, meaning that to whom the suitable level of and type of company does not bomb, and who would likely get bonbed?

1st of April 2020   If life after death exists and is much like the life before death, so that one cannot say who died and who did not but instead people live at the same time as some others and at different time or different world than some others. It seems that for a person there is some space to live in and if that space ends the person dies, but in the life after death the person is in some space that is somehow suited for him/her, so that it is the same kind of life but some factor changed. So also one's own strategy of lofe affects what happens: did one choose a good benefical good willing civiliced (in civiliced wisdom there are the good answers to life's and world's questions that people want to teach to all the younger generation) that is good for possibilities of life, or not and dies sooner? So one could maybe choose with whom one'slife is synchronized and via civilized good will live so without big problems, and maybe also choose so with whom one is not synchronized and live separately as if in different worlds or at different time. Choosing profession, place to live in and other big choices in life also affect similarly: what kind of environment one lives in, whom one associates with and in what professions are they, which countries' cultural influencies one personally gets."