torstai 4. heinäkuuta 2019

About continuing onwards after the death of someone

"Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Sad, mourning

My Japanese spitz died almost two weeks ago. It was a very nice dog and 11 years old, interested in curing.

Now that I have begun to think that Vaapukka only died, it helps the sorrow to take more distance and to wish well, like in some spiritual context maybe, and to keep some idealistic or polite picture of him. And about these I tried to make the tune, to help also others in sorrow.

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30th of June 2019   I do not think it good at all to tidy very much at one time after the death of someone, but just to take some things with poor spirit away and on a good moment tidy or arrange something so that it is good to continue life.

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3rd of July 2019   Japanese spitz is an all-white dog breed, so maybe the tune does not fit other coat colours. It also may be that the tune relates to just Vaapukka's memory and not to other dogs. But the advices ought to be ok for others too."

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5th of April 2020   My poodle asked what does it depend on who mours how much after the death of some close one. My impression is that those mourn more who make some thought error in looking at the situation. Like if someone lost a family member and still has the habit of commenting things to him/her, tends to forget that one is in differemnt company than before. Or then if one neglects some moral or the like and has an unsolved problem there. Or if one relied on that person in some question and is now in trouble because there is none to fill that task. generally several other persons together can each fill some part of such task, but mostly one anyway needs to sift one's life so that it is more centered on other areas of life.
 It is usually recommended that after a family member has died, one ought to move to live in some other apartmnent, in a place in which it is good to continue life. I think that one ought to wait so long that one can recognize if the apartment is good to live in or not, since in moruning that maybe does not work out so well, but maybe somebody else who understands about such sides of life could help in choosing the apartment and people help in carrying the furniture etc.

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9th of April 2021   My 12 years old apricot poodle Banjp died a little bit ovar two weeks ago.
H62.   7th of April 2021   Today mornibg I was thinking of burying the deceased. It can have a poor or a serene atmosphere, depending on whether one thinks of rottenibg corpsds  which I guess is a question of too personal too close social distance to the deceased, or if one understands the neef of social distance  the impossibility of continuing life together, and just does one's part in helping, both in practicsl chores and in spirit, in wishibg well and telling of how thecdeceased ought to be able to continue life on obe's own  wishing the deceased well.
G, F, D, F, A, upper C, H, A,G,D, F
The melody is quite slow, kind of taking time for itself, but the A, G is quicker somewhat like hurried steps. (8.4.2021 The melody I made thinking of my apricot poodle Banjo who passed away two weeks earlier.) "   
 from my gnome skills text 

4th of May 2021   " I 21.   When my poodle died, I at first started to rely on my old loved well working areas of life that I had had before I got my dogs. Meditation was now central of them: looking at lights, colours, patterns of wood, weathers, the coming spring, possibilitues of life, tuning somewhat toward sporty mood but sensitively taking into account the needs of mourning. So in it I had basic life that carries somewhat, and my posture was not so stuck but instead open to new things. "

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