sunnuntai 28. helmikuuta 2021

About continuing to life after death

From my gnome skills text


G52. 27th of February 2021   About continuing to life after death
It appears that often life after death is much like life before death. If there was something unbearable, one must continue without it. If the unbearable, the cause of death was outside one's own life, like on a walk walking to a dangerous place and just continuing as if a piece of film had been refilmed as ordiry instead of as death. It is much like concentrating, like dedicating to the life at hand. 
If the cause of death or the und´bearable was a part of one's own life, one must let go of it and continue with the rest of one's loved things in life and replacing the lost by new met things, maybe like a twinding path tonew encounters etc.
If one cannot continue with one's family etx nearest things, one maybe dies and is left stationary at one place ponderin glike school aged about the possibilities of life left, like a date or a nice place to move to live in, etc, and maybe there one can continue life after death. 
If there is no such place found, maybe there is a tunnel to a dining hall witha fiesta, and maybe one can with food bear also other circumstancies. 
Making lighter and more livelier ins  spoiritual sense, makes one recover better and quicker and makes it possible to find more better options at life after death."

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