This way of waking from desth is of person's own choice. The dead or nearly dead person must oneself lighten one's way of living and one's relationship to the world and make it livelier, in order to wake from desth and revover. But if one wsnts to die, there is the problem that life after death exists and is in many cases similar to life before death, even though thecreason for death may have been erased awsy. But one can dream of life after death that one wants to choose, for example lufe as some animal or in different life circumstancies or as finally dead without lufe after death. One must dream so many times be very much so inclined and already prepared to leave everything behind and start a new life for example as a bird youngster insect or even as a young tree. There are Russian tales about young maiden orwhstever having turned to a tree. I once looked absentmindedly out of the window to a near by forest pstch, and there was a man standing there, admiring the trees, and he seemed pleased at lufe so but his life otherwise seemed a burden and he was left standing there quite a while pleasantly forest like, and when i looked again there was a young tree there where he had stood and the tree was like him and it seemed that he liked life so.
If you want a better life, you could try reading my text Skills of Christmas gnomes .
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