sunnuntai 17. heinäkuuta 2022

From my other blog

  From my text Skills of Christmas gnomes, part 14. 


N78.   16th of July 2022   These are black and white old dreams or vague memories about unwoundedness when shot. In spring 1999 I lived in Helsinki and planned to continue to farming work. I loved sports, nature, music, poetry and wisdom of life. I had read quite many books about Zen Buddhism and Stephen Mitchell's English translation of the old Chinesd classic Tao-te-ching. I had also read at least one book about healing with hands and st least some book about ghosts. 

The vague old memory says that i was jnexpectedly shot in a crowdy place across the street. I noticed it beforehand and managed to somehow milden the shot away from the central body. It hit me with small bullet in the side muscles and produced a small hole. I changed place out of sighr, wished well in the world and adviced my body to heal the wound a luttle bit like the religiously inclined books, so that the neighbouring parts of the body would heal the wound plus good will in the wide world, and also being sporty physically fit helped. In a minute or two the wound had stopped bleeding, but i was quite at loss about what had happened. Later i did not remember it but there was bullet hole in my coat. After that i have had lits of problems of the psychology professionals, for years and tens of years. 

In 2009 i had just that summer moved to Savlnlinna with my pets. There was a forest pstch jyst outside ghe outdoor of tge apartment building. I was no longer so sporty but i longer for sports and nature, so i once started running from the stairs to the foredt patch and i was maybe 10 to 20 meters away when some little bird and some sturdy woman with an lld fashioned gun at the stairs said that one should not run kn ghe forest, and i heard a bang and felt pushed forward and had thd picture in mind that i had been shot in tge muddle of my central body by a bullet used for hunting moose, a bullet which opens like a flower. I thought that i wilö not let my body conyinue like there is a big wound, but instead commanded it to cobyknue with the old picture of a healthy body and parts nesr by correcting, healing the body back to what was normal to it. So i rose up immediately and tidied my clothes helping the neighbouribg areas' ibfluencies cure the wound. Then i continued walking. But some humans complained of such. Someone brought me my dogs said they mudt hear of this. I continued on a walk with my dogs going on a dtreet at the other side of the house, just walkkng home. But some maybe 20 meter at our back was a man with a pistol and he shot me and i healed it and then he shot again and shot my dogs tpo so i taught my dogs too to heal such. And from the window of the house came somebody's a few meters long snake which came as a surface upon me and wanted to learn the same. Later i remember wondering why my tshirt kn a closet had some blod in it. Part of the time i was dizzy. 

I no longer have such skills. I wrote today about the death of my miracle healing Japanese spitz dog Vaapukka. I guess these subjects connect to me having a dark brown T-shirt today, while the flowrry skirt is wise.

All people do not wish so well in the wide world. So one who does, is from the point of view of warfare quite much for peace. In addition healthy sporty ways of living demand some amount of individuality, maybe a lot, so that it is likely to be an infividual thinking of the society and of the world, instead of a group. 

N79.   17th of July 2022   I translate here what I wrote yesterday about the death of my miracle healing Japanese sputz dog Vaapukka.

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"Vaapukka died a little bit over three years ago in Savonlinna where we had lived for years. It was a warm summer day but not hot, friday 7th of June 2019. Under a week earlier we had lived in Savonlinna exactly 10 years. Under two weeks esrlier Vaapukka bwcame 11 and 1/2 years old. Two days or two weeks earlier had Vaapukka noticed that the boy whom Vaapukka wanted to be in his next lufe, had already begun his lufe and he would have two weeks time to be in time for that. The previous Saturday Vaapukka had composed a fine melody about healing a wheel chair patient back to walking, it seemed to think note by note, like EA first aid according to the subject, A like religiousness F# somehow fine lufe etc, and he planned to compose a tango about how fascinating are the roads toward healing, which he well could havw had the skills for. We were leisirely on an afternoon walk, and near a kiosk like shop by the roadside he saw a papercover of icecream, which he smelled and thought that nice fat woman, such too already here, he could well leave. Vaapukka had earluer said that he could cobyinye to a dog of his type's fat nursing professionals, but that he couldn't then return because too much bactiria coming from them. Vaapukka was a miracle hwaler via some spiritual connection, earlier 2 hours a day which was a burden but he survived it, but for the last spring 4 hours  day which wss too heavy work liad and took away some protectiln, and so it one day came to inflyence me and my apricot poodle badly toward ill, and so we thought that we cannit luve with it that way. That was the first so big critique toward it but did not cobtinye, but it made Vaapukka think of moving to luve with nyrsing professionals. Vaapukka asked us to walk to the church, like we had often walked, but he instead lay down at the crossroads to the graveyard, and then toward home. We went outdoors to the lawn kn a shelter of a tree and Vaapukka helped via some spiritual connection short-nosed dogs which suffered from the heat. Then we rose the stairs to our home in the 3rd floor and Vaapukka wanted me to shower it to cool it. Outdoors had a man ( maybe journalist ) who drinks lots of coffee been enemy like toward the white Vaapukka, and nesr the stairs were two old countryside women who seemed to have some cunning plans. I had the whole previous night been disturbed by images of an Indian woman who kept cafeteria where I often drank milk coffee without knowing why I drank it, attacking me, and so I was only half fit to the everyday lufe. The water hit as cold Vaapukka's stomach and he got breathing difficultues like counttyside women. It circled my 1-room apartment's room by the window and went to an alcove where he often lay, and it had hyperventilation. It seemed that on some spiritual side two British dogs it had helped, maybe a boxer and a French buldog or Boston terrier, had decided to be dominant and raped it, and it's tongue was slightly blue. It was left laying down erect, chin against the floor, and seemed to be present and lustening but was there still the next day at noon. Now later i noticed that i had two day esrluer written to my gnome skills text about my dogs, that they say vuh but don't fight for their life but instead have social snills of companiln dogs, and that my Japanese spitz once fought with a german shepherd, lost but unwounded, which is why Vaapukka begun to fear a new fight. I had also written to the gnome skklls text advices about bulding skills, and it was in the air that the British build a cathedral to which they wanted to rob Vaapukka's healubg skills.  
I tried to find out possible ways to bury a dog but those were all much too expensive. The hoyse repairs man brought a black plastic sack and i lifted the dog to it. The hoyse repairs man took it away. Later there wss at the floor of the garbage shelter flowers like in the Nunn monastery Lintula but more there.



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