lauantai 29. heinäkuuta 2023

From my Christmas gnome skills blog



An elderly man's first thoughts when his spouce has just died. Living long together as a family, if it is a happy family  creates strong habits, the life together is largely in the things done. And if one liked the things done, the way of life, one is likely to continue such when one is left alone, and so the sorrow gets gone through only slowly as the sphere of life changes on some of it's sides to something new with which is good to live. If some of the habits were only the spouce's likings, such are likely to give room to new kinds of aress of life with which it is good for one to live. It is also good to wish well for the deceased in a kind of civiliced polite way, since such is good if there is life after death, somehow one is less fractured then, life just was together and continued separate ways, wishing both well.  

d15.   Death at war time is a different thing to think through, and even more different it is as these modern times. At wartime many die and life circumstancies in the society and in the individual lives change for many. The first thought that comes to mind that it isn't good that so many die in a war. One should know better what to fight for and how to safeguard the rest of life from too much harm. Safeguarding basic healthy life I guess ought to be a common value and well known skill in the countries. Some soldiers fight to make a suicide, such does not sound in any way beneficial to the country, it arises just a thought that it is a pity that he had such a suffering and hope that he finds rest if there is some kind of life after death. The basic advkce for a soldier in the frontline would be to keep enough distance to the enemy's fire and keep eyes open, stay out of harms way if you can and remember that many die from fire from their own lines. Basic advice is don't trust without safety precautions. In the wartime many die and it may happen that people just feel that there are much more scarcely people of their own natiln than before, and culture changes both because of the times and because of foreign cultural influencies, so people propably mourn lost luves together with the lost cultural ways of living, kind of wondering why could things not have stayed the old culture's way. Wartime likelily arises thoughts of betrayals amobg one's own country, of why good landscape like view with basic life safeguarded, why such would trust technical lying people who produce just harm, upon whose deeds one cannot build a society. It propably also places attentiln on that straighforward solutions suit children in army but are often not safe enough if there are adults along, and one ponders what to think of the possibility of a child to choose how one dies, child's own fate, sometimes some things just have to be done, like a child going yo the war if the child is most suppirting, causing such a war. 

d16.   In order that life would be good to live, one ought to live wisely and with feeling according to one's ages old nature, do things for the world to be good to live in, for all fairly, now and in the future, and in doing so one ought to take care that one lives a good life while one so does. Only then it makes sense, and only then the influencies to others are good and with wisdom of life. 

d17.   29th of July 2023   There is a beautiful emotional very famous old song which Konsta Jylhä composed for the memory of his violin player father.

Quietened violin

The violin has quietened

Playing has ceased

Which formerly twingling sensitively sounded

Joys of humans

Sorrows of hearts

The most beautiful chords brought to life

Like only a violin can be played

Now violin alone

Longing on it's wall

Is remembering the one who

Slept already away

He formerly with his violin stick

Caressed his music instrument

To most beautiful chords' 

Charm's state of mind got people

Like only a violin master

Can get


Children who like to play some music instrument tend to like this song, thinking that such as violin master's lifetime work is something worthwhile to do in one's life and a suitable foregigure for them even if they aim to some entirely different profession. 


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